Our new article considering the analysis of complex crystallization behavior in Zr-based BMGs is being published

We are pleased to announce that Michał Biały, Mariusz Hasiak, and Amadeusz Łaszcz, researchers from the Multifunctional Amorphous and Crystalline Materials Laboratory, have published a new article in the prestigious academic journal Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A.
Their article, titled “A Novel Approach to Analysis of Complex Crystallization Behavior in Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass by Non-isothermal Kinetics Studies,” presents a groundbreaking approach to the analysis of crystallization behavior in zirconium-based bulk metallic glasses. The researchers used non-isothermal kinetics studies to gain insights into the complex behavior of these materials during the crystallization process.
This new approach promises to open up exciting new possibilities for the analysis and understanding of metallic glasses and other complex materials. We congratulate Biały, Hasiak, and Łaszcz on their important contribution to the field of materials science and look forward to their continued research in this area.
Biały, M., Hasiak, M. & Łaszcz, A. A Novel Approach to Analysis of Complex Crystallization Behavior in Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass by Non-isothermal Kinetics Studies. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 54, 1428–1442 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11661-023-06997-y